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Basis of Claim Form & Documentation

Making Your Refugee Claim



After your arrival in Canada and your approval at an eligibility interview, you will receive a referral letter giving details of your hearing.  This hearing will be in front of a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) at the Refugee Protection Division (RPD).


In order to attend the hearing, you must first complete a Basis of Claim (BOC) form for each member of your family. You will only have 15 days from the date of the referral letter to complete these forms.  They must be submitted to the RPD on time with all necessary supporting documentation.


Fisher Law will be your advisor in this important process. It is essential that all significant and relevant information required by the RPD is included in your BOC. The BOC and supporting documents are the only information the IRB Member (the decision maker) will consider when deciding your refugee claim.  These important documents can be confusing and difficult.

Fisher Law understands what an IRB Member is expecting to see in your BOC form in order to consider your claim. In the short period of time you have to prepare the BOC for submission, having Fisher Law working for you will make this intimidating and complicated process more clear, less stressful, and more hopeful.  


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An Opportunity to Tell Your Story



The BOC form explains how you became a refugee and why you are claiming refugee or protected person status in Canada.  Let us help you tell your story in the most effective and compelling way possible.


All refugee forms must be submitted in English or French. However, Fisher Law can provide translation services, so you can first write your story in your preferred language.  Then, in discussion with you, it will be translated.  Your story will then be presented so an IRB Member can see the strongest parts of your legal claim.


It is essential for your claim that the correct supporting documents are selected and carefully prepared.  The BOC must clearly show that you meet the definition of a refugee or a protected person under Canadian law.  The IRB Member must understand the circumstances that resulted in your making this claim.  Fisher Law will powerfully and precisely explain your situation and the events of your life (or family’s lives) that led to your becoming a refugee. The role of your lawyer is to effectively communicate to the Refugee Protection Division why you need to be in Canada, and why you should be permitted to remain here.

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Basis of Claim (BOC) Form

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